Where Are Those Who Dare?
Once upon a time we were a people who dared to venture into the unknown. Well, some of us were...Some had to do so in order to stay alive because they weren't like those around them, they didn't believe in the same religion, they didn't like following the same rules, maybe they opened their mouths and said the wrong thing about the wrong person at the wrong time, or maybe they were committed a crime and just needed to stay one step of whatever law ruled. Some had no choice in the matter...Some were women whose husbands made the decision to leave and women had no say in the matter. Some were slaves and we know how that worked. There are still people out there who are saying 'Let's make America great again' when they really mean 'Let's make America white, racists and in charge of everyone who isn't...Again'. But that's not what this is about. Sort of. This is about those who dared to journey from one place to another, not having the sli