Saving Ourselves

This world is overburden with religions and wannabe 'Messiahs'...We tend to look to the past to find these spiritual leaders because it's too damn hard to prove or disprove anything or any one who lived thousands of years ago and we're told to simply believe, to take the whole 'Savior' thing on 'Faith'. This 'Faith' has led humanity into war after war, every obscenity against mankind has usually been done in the name of 'Religion'. We have these mass volumes of 'Scriptures' or 'Holy Writ' to guide us and only a small percentage of believers ever really read these words, they surround themselves with others who believe like themselves and they let them do the reading, and interpretations to their 'Leaders' and the result... ...We continue to strike out against those who don't believe, we attack with words and fists and anger and hate and we call it 'God's Love'. Bottom line: We don't need ...