All Our Yesterdays

Today is Karen's birthday. She died a while back and I'm one of those who believes that a person is never really gone if we keep their name and life alive. I miss her a lot. There isn't a day which goes by when I don't think of her. I was a friend to both her and her husband, David, for decades. After he died she and I began a romance and that union never went away and we stayed close even after my own health failed and I had to leave. We talked for hours every day and continued when she left Casa Grande and moved to Chicago. There are those we love and care for that we never see gone from our lives and this is doubly true of me. One day I received a phone call as she was entering a hospital...Turns out she had stage 4 cancer and she never left that hospital alive. I saw a documentary recently where a scientist was talking Quantum Science. He said information is never gone as he tossed a book into a raging fire. Even after the book was gone, being nothing mo...